
Showing posts from October, 2021
  CRAYFISH THE NATURAL SUBSTITUTE FOR ARTIFICIAL SPICES When you add crayfish to your meal you are not only positively transforming the taste and making you crave to eat that food even when you are not hungry. Crayfish can be added to any meal ranging from vegetable soup to yam porridge, to MoinMoin. Reach out to us today to order your crayfish at an affordable price
 Yam is an agricultural product that is eaten in almost every part of the world. Have you been craving to get yam to buy in your location but COVID19 has made it impossible for you to have access to that your favourite meal made from yam? It is obvious that you are a lover of yamarita but you have somehow kept that craving on hold because you can't find yam to buy. This should actually be the least of your problem because at healthy.yummyfoods we got you covered. We export yam from Benue state the best yam producing state in Nigeria. Benue state with its capital in Markudi is known as the " Food Basket of the Nation". Irrespective of your location we can get you supplied with yam whenever you need it. What you need to do is send us a mail or call or even WhatsApp us stating the quantity of yam you need and we will run that errand and ensure that the yam gets to you in good time. In case you love pounded yam, you are not left out. Whatever meal you need to make from yam, w
 HEALTH BENEFITS OF SOYBEANS When you take Soybean you are sure of the health benefits listed below 1. Keeps You Full You may not think of beans as a stick-to-your-ribs filling food, but with so much fiber and protein per serving, soybeans can easily keep hunger at bay for a long stretch. This satiation boost may even be beneficial for weight loss. 2. Helps to Lower Cholesterol  Some research suggests that soybean products can lower LDL cholesterol (aka the “bad” kind) by a small percentage. However, it’s important to note that you’d probably need to eat quite a large amount of soy to make an impact. 3. Boosts Digestive Health So much of gut health comes down to the amount of fiber we consume. Soybeans’ 6 grams of fiber per serving adds bulk to stool and creates a healthy environment for good bacteria to flourish in the digestive tract. 4. Compatible with Many Special Diets Soybeans find their way comfortably into many specialized eating plans. People on low-sodium, Mediterranean, glut
 What nutrients can we find in the crop SOYBEANS? Healthy eating is very important for one to function very effectively on daily basis. Healthy eating comes from the consumption of foods that guarantee that we have access to all the nutrients that make up a balanced diet. There are some crops that give this assurance for a balance of all the required nutrients in our diets.  I call Soybeans a magic crop because of the fact that it gives us all the food nutrients we require daily for our daily activities Take a look at the various components that make up the nutrients that can be found in Soybean  Calories: 172 Fat: 9g Sodium: 1mg Carbohydrates: 8.3g Fiber: 6g Sugars: 3g Protein: 18g
 Healthy.yummyfoods is a business that is out to satisfy your food item needs without you having to stress yourself. Have you always been scared of going into the market to mingle with people or marketers that you are not sure of how safe from COVID-19 they are? Do you find it a bit strenuous to enter the market to stock up when you exhaust your food items? Has it always been difficult to combine the rigors of your work with doing your shopping at weekends because you need to take some rest during the weekend to refresh and get prepared for the incoming week? All these and many more bothering issues on doing your shopping are the problems Healthy.yummyfoods is here to help solve for you and give you enough time to focus on more productive activities that concern you.  Healthy.yummyfoods is here to take your order for your foodstuff needs and get them delivered to you within stipulated time ensuring that you get the best of price and quality of these items From Healthy.yummyfoods you ca