Bambara nut (Okpa)

 Bambara nut popularly known in Igbo language as Okpa is widely cultivated in West Africa. It is one of the major delicacies from the Eastern Nigeria. This special nut is known by different names in various languages and in different parts of the world. 

Some of the names include:

1. Okpa (Igbo)

2. Epa-Roro (Yoruba)

3.  Kwaruru or Gurjiya (Hausa)

In other African countries it is called

Nyimo beans (Zimbabwe)

Izindlubu (Zulu)

Ntoyo cibemba (Zambia)

Jugo beans (South Africa).

Okpa which is also known as Bambara groundnut pudding (Okpa) in Igbo language, has a lot of amazing health benefits which is good for the body and vital for the normal its functioning. In Nigeria, the name Okpa is commonly used than Bambara nut as it is not popular like other food crops but it is termed as one of the “miracle food crops”, Why? because it has no side effects and gives the body all the nutrients it needs once it is consumed adequately (in the right proportion).

The Nutrients found in Okpa (Bambara nuts pudding) are numerous. 

Bambara nuts pudding (Okpa) contains numerous nutrients as none is actually lost either during the processing of the nuts into flour or the cooking of the pudding as the steaming method is predominately used. Some of the minerals and vitamins which in Okpa includes as much nutrients and as the parent source which is Bambara nut and includes potassium, carbohydrates, phosphorus, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals such as manganese, tryptophan, lysine, valine and other amino acids, fibre content, iron, magnesium, calcium, fluoride, zinc, selenium, sodium, copper etc.


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